Monday, June 24, 2013

Artist Blog-Alexandra


European Artist Alexandra: Artist Interview

When I first met Alex (she prefers to be called Alex), it was in a movie theater.  I was infatuated with her European accent.  She was very bubbly and talkative; only some of the features anyone would love about her.  There were some things that she will light up about when she speaks about them: her husband, her work in chemistry, Europe and art.  She talks about everything with a passion and her laughter is infectious.  Although she speaks more than just English, her English is pretty developed. Underneath her vibrant personality lies a young woman who wears her heart on her sleeve and always speaks her mind.
When we decided to collaborate together, we both had different ideas of how to do it.  We knew we wanted to make her art into jewelry, it was just a matter of how.  I knew I for sure wanted to encase her art in resin and set it in a pendant.  Alex had a "go big or go home" mentality about the collaboration.  What I didn't realize is what would happen in the process.  Alex would come to inspire me and help me grow as an artist as well.

This is Alex, the artist....

What is your full name?

Alexandra Villaverde Ventura Jimenez

Where were you born?

Germany – but I swear there is no German blood in me – all Italian and Spanish!

Where & how long did you live in Europe?

I lived all over the place there… but never for long enough, because I miss it!

What languages do you speak?

English, Spanish, French, Italian, German & Latin

When did you start making art?

I don’t know. My mom says I was born with a pencil in my hand. She might be

exaggerating though :D

What do you like most about art?

It’s relaxing, and I can do what I want.

What would you like your art to convey?

Ummmm… what does convey mean? And this is how you know I am from

Europe :D

Haha! It means to "communicate" or "pass along".
So, what do you think your art says about you?

I don’t know… Maybe I should start a conversation with my brushes… I am open

for interpretation so if you want you can tell me what my work says about me.

Who is your favorite artist?

Benjamin Lacombe and Millarca LilyToune, you should all look them up – real


Where do you get your ideas for your art?

From rainbows and pink unicorns… nah, I hate pink… To be honest, I try to

stay as true to my inner child as possible. I would say I take my ideas from my

imagination. Everything is possible!

Below is some of Alex's work:


Remember: honor the gifts you were given as a human being.  Until next time!